Dear Users, Indico.UN has been updated to v3.19.0, introducing face picture quality verification in registration forms. This ensures uploaded images meet official guidelines, as recommended by the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS).

27–30 Mar 2023
UNESCO Headquarters
Europe/Paris timezone

ADM/CLD/S will conduct one-day training sessions at UNESCO HQ from 27 to 30 March 2023.


The Indico.UN training sessions will provide focal points and specific user groups with a compact training programme that focuses on specific training content and simultaneously enables participants to teach the training contents to others.

The main goal is for participants to leave the programme confident and well informed about Indico’s capabilities and features.

Format and context of the workshops

The UNOG Indico.UN project leader will conduct one-day sessions on 28 March (in-person), 29 March (online) and 30 March (in-person) for target groups.  The training workshops will have a mix of activities that include exchanges, hands-on training and information sessions with different speakers and contributors.

Tentative scheduled as follows:

  • 27 March 2023,
    • 10.00 a.m. to 12 p.m. (in-person) for Permanent Delegations / GBS
    • 2.00 p.m.  to 3.30 p.m. (in-person) with CPE
    • 4.00 p.m to 5.00 p.m (in person) with DBS 
  • 28 March 2023, (in-person) for CLD technical coordinators  
    • 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
    • 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
  • 29 March 2023,
    • 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. (in-person) for CLD technical coordinators 
    • 2.00 p.m.  to 6.00 p.m.: (online) for designated focal points from each sector, institutes and field offices (Session 1)
  • 30 March 2023,
    • 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. (online) (online) for designated focal points from each sector, institutes and field offices (Session 2)
    • 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., CLD and Security.

Note: Sessions 1 and 2 are the same. Since it is not feasible to release all Focal Points for one whole day and considering the different time zones, we will conduct two (4-hour) online training sessions to ensure that everyone will have an opportunity to join.

UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Fontenoy/Floor: -1-Room/Salle VI
125 de Avenue Suffren, Paris, 75007

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