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In the framework of the Ministerial Conference on “Innovative Solutions to Pollution in South East and Southern Europe” the Secretariat of the Conference is organizing a “call for posters” on innovative solutions addressing all forms of pollution (air, water and soil).

This initiative was inspired by the Ministerial Declaration “Towards a pollution-free planet” adopted during the 2017 UN Environment Assembly that is suggesting to “prevent, mitigate and manage the pollution of air, land, and soil, freshwater and oceans” also by promoting “science-based decision making in the public and private sectors.”

To promote the dissemination of innovative environmental solutions, we encourage researchers, public and private institutions, and technology providers to present to the Ministers of Environment of South East and Southern Europe, and to all conference attendees, their innovative proposals to accelerate the path “Towards a pollution-free planet” by setting a specific focus on South-East and Southern European countries.

The conference poster session constitutes a unique opportunity to present recent advancements in pollution reduction technologies and approaches to governments, international and regional organization, donor agencies, local authorities, civil society organizations, and the private sector.

Members of the Scientific Committee:

  • Mr. Paolo Angelini, Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea;
  • Prof. Antonio Ballarin Denti, Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente;
  • Mr. Luca Cetara, Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente;
  • Mr. Harald Egerer, UN Environment;
  • Prof. Giorgio Guariso, Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente;
  • Mr. Alexander Juras, UN Environment;
  • Mr. Luigi Mauro Martire, Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea;
  • Ms. Darinka Radojević, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia;
  • Ms. Maja Radosavljević, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia;
Interested parties must click on the “Register now” button in order to create an Indico profile and submit their posters. For more information please contact Mr. Filippo Montalbetti:
National Film Archive, Belgrade (Beograd), Serbia
National Film Archive, Uzun Mirkova 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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