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25–27 Nov 2019
Palais des Nations
Europe/Zurich timezone

Transcripts (automatic)

The following automatically generated transcriptions are provided by DCM-UNOG’s project FAST, powered by WIPO AI, for the convenience of meeting participants, in English only during the pilot stage. They are delivered without any human post-editing and are not totally verbatim. The automatic transcriptions of the proceedings, if available, do not constitute an official record of the meeting. It is understood that only the spoken interventions in the original language are authentic and constitute a true record of the proceedings.

Opening Plenary room XX A.M. 25-11-2019

Stepping up Government Leadership from commitments to action room XX A.M. 25-11-2019

Gender Guidance for the UNGPS on BHR from Paper to Practice – room XX P.M. 25-11-2019

Business calling for government action on human rights – Room XIX P.M. 25-11-2019

National action plans on BHR - Room XX P.M. 25-11-2019

Corruption - the BHR dimension Room XIX P.M: 25-11-2019

BHR and policy coherence at the multilateral level - Room XX A.M. 26-11-2019

Conflict prevention, peacebuilding and BHR - Room XX A.M. 26-11-2019

Promoting respect for human rights via public procurement - Room XIX A.M. 26-11-2019

Leading by example? State-owned enterprises and BHR - Room XXI P.M. 26-11-2019

Building Sustainable Infrastructure - Room XXI P.M. 26-11-2019

Prevention vs cure: addressing attacks on HRDs Room XX P.M. 26-11-2019

Regional dialogue on Eastern Europe Room XXIV A.M. 27-11-2019

Regional dialogue on BHR Africa Room XXII A.M. 27-11-2019

Regional dialogue on Latin America and Carribean Room XX A.M. 27-11-2019

Climate justice, human rights and corporate hospitality XX P.M. 27-11-2019

Closing Plenary Room XX P.M. 27-11-2019