Palais Wilson, Ground Floor Conference Room
(52 rue des Pâquis, CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland)
The Committee will consider the reports of the following States Parties:
Burkina Faso
The list of issues (LOIs)/ list of issues prior to reporting (LOIPR) of the following States parties will be adopted during the session:
Chad (LOIs)
Antigua and Barbuda (LOIPR)
Barbados (LOIs)
Dominican Republic (LOIPR)
Jordan (LOIPR)
Mauritius (LOIPR)
New Zealand (LOIPR)
Samoa (LOIPR)
ACCESS TO PALAIS WILSON: The Human Rights Committee session will take place in Palais Wilson Ground floor conference room (entrance: 52 rue des Paquis). Once accredited to the session, you will receive your Indico digital badge by email. You would have to present your digital badge, along with your valid passport to the Security Officers in Palais Wilson for identity check and badge activation. The digital badge does not need to be printed. Presenting it on a mobile phone will be sufficient. |