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26–29 Jun 2023
Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar
Asia/Ulaanbaatar timezone
Registration is now open!

20 Years of WEDF

2019 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
Trade and Invest in One Africa

2018 Lusaka, Zambia:
Scaling up through trade: Skill - Innovate - Connect

2017 Budapest, Hungary:
Trade – A force for good: Include, Innovate, Integrate

2016 Colombo, Sri Lanka:
Trade for Success: Connect, Compete, Change

2015 Doha, Qatar:
Sustainable Trade: Innovate, invest, internationalize

2014 Kigali, Rwanda:
SMEs: Creating jobs through trade

2012 Jakarta, Indonesia:
Linking growth markets: New dynamics in global trade

2011 Istanbul, Turkey:
Private sector engagement with LDCs for tourism-led growth

2010 Chongqing, China:
Adapting to post-crisis world trade patterns

2008 Montreux, Switzerland:
Consumer Conscience: How Environment and Ethics Influence Exports

007 Montreux, Switzerland:
Bringing Down the Barriers – Charting Dynamic Export Development

2006 Berlin, Germany:
Export Development and Poverty Reduction

2005 Montreux, Switzerland:
Export of Services: Hype or High Potential?

2004 Montreux, Switzerland:
Competitiveness through Public–Private Partnership

2003 Cancun, Mexico:
Business for Development: Implications for Strategy Makers

2002 Montreux, Switzerland:
Managing Competitive Advantage: The Values of National Strategy

2001 Montreux, Switzerland:
Is Your Trade Support Network Working?

2000 Montreux, Switzerland:
Export Development and the Digital Economy

1999 Annecy, France:
Redefining Trade Promotion - The Need for a Strategic Response