The registration deadline passed on Friday, 27 May 2022 6 p.m., New York time. Registrations received after the deadline will be processed as an exception and priority is given to timely applications received by the deadline.
Conference rooms
The in-person meeting will be held in the Plenary Hall, on the first floor of the M-Building at the Vienna International Centre (VIC).
Conference Room M3 will be made available as an overflow room for viewing the session.
In accordance with the ongoing COVID-19 mitigation measures currently applying at the VIC maximum seating capacity in the conference rooms must not be exceeded.
Remote connection
All other speakers will be connected remotely through Interprefy with remote simultaneous interpretation.
Technical instructions:
- Please use Google Chrome or Firefox. Other browsers cannot ensure a successful connection.
- Verify here if your connection setup meets the requirements.
- Consult the Participants Guide to Interprefy meetings.
- Read the four steps to participating in a meeting with remote simultaneous interpretation.
- Join the meeting up to 30 minutes beforehand to leave enough time to solve potential technical issues.
- In case of technical issues, please refer to the above-mentioned Guides.
- If on the day of the meeting you still encounter any issue with your login in, please contact the Secretariat at:
Please use the following format for your name:
- Member States: Country, First name Last name
- Organizations: Organization, First name Last name
Important information for Member States
An official note verbale issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or an accredited Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York or Vienna containing the Government’s official delegation to the meeting (including names, titles, email addresses and participation modality of the entire delegation) is required to register through Indico. Each delegate is required to attach a copy of the note verbale to her/his registration request in Indico.
Important information for Organizations
An official letter, with letterhead and signed by the Head of the organization, with the details of the participants that shall attend the meeting (name, title/function, workplace, individual email address and participation modality) is required to register through Indico. Each delegate is required to attach a copy of the official letter to her/his registration request in Indico.