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16–20 May 2022
United Nations Headquarters
America/New_York timezone
This registration is for Specially and Previously Accredited Entities and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs)

 As per General Assembly Resolutions 73/195 and 73/326, the President of the General Assembly will convene the first International Migration Review Forum from 17 to 20 May 2022. An informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearing will take place on the day preceding the Forum on 16 May 2022

The Forum will consist of four interactive multi-stakeholder round tables on 17 May and the morning of 18 May, followed by a policy debate in the afternoon of 18 May. The plenary meetings of the Forum will be held on 19 and 20 May 2022. 

According to resolution 73/326, the opening segment of the IMRF plenary will feature statements from one representative from the migrant community, and a representative of civil society, who will be invited to present a summary of the multi-stakeholder hearing.

Adequate space will be also reserved for participation of stakeholders during each round table, as well as policy debate. Due to the limited time available for the meeting, it will not be possible to accommodate all the requests for interventions. Only the selected speakers will be contacted by the Secretariat. We appreciate your understanding.

Representatives of relevant non-governmental organizations, academic, scientific and knowledge-based institutions, the private sector, trade unions, faith-based, migrant and youth organizations, diaspora communities and other relevant stakeholders, who received special accreditation to attend and participate in the forum, and the multi-stakeholder hearing, as well as stakeholders that were accredited to the preparatory process of the intergovernmental consultations of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), or that were accredited to participate in the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the GCM are invited to register through this portal and indicate their interest in speaking opportunities.  

Alsonational human rights institutions (NHRIs) compliant with the Paris Principles (Resolution 48/134, annex) can register through this platform in order to participate in the forum, including the informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearing. 

The registration is NOW OPEN until 31 March 2022. 

The meeting will be broadcast live on UN Web TV with interpretation in all official languages. Please note that you don't have to register if you plan to follow through webcast without a speaking role.

*Due to COVID-19 pandemic, practical arrangements for participation will be decided closer to the date and communicated on the webpage of the President of the General Assembly.

Please note: If you are a representative of the ECOSOC accredited NGO, please contact the NGO Branch of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs for registration.


United Nations Headquarters, New York, United States of America
United Nations Headquarters