24 September 2020 to 13 November 2020
Africa/Nairobi timezone
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the ad hoc open-ended expert group on marine litter and microplastics (AHEG) online forum has been developed in response to requests from Member States for an informal platform to discuss and collaborate about subject matters that they believe to be relevant to the AHEG. It is a mechanism whereby experts from Member States, international organizations and civil society can informally and unofficially exchange feedback, share opportunities and discuss proposed topics. The views and opinions expressed through the online forum are solely those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the official position of any participant or the organization or State that she/he represents or the UNEP Secretariat. The on-line forum is not a part of the official activities of the AHEG. Those who are eligible to register, as defined under paragraph 10c in the UNEA resolution 3/7, should specify their representation type in the registration form choosing from Member States, Accredited Major Groups and Stakeholders, Members of Specialized Agencies, Observer States and Invited Independent Experts. When registering as an Accredited Major Groups and Stakeholders, please choose the Accredited Non-Governmental Organizations option in the dropdown menu. Once the registration submission is processed, a member account will be automatically created in order to access the online AHEG forum. A confirmation email including log in credentials to access the forum topics will be sent to applicants within 2 days. A day or two may be needed to process registration and create the personal account. Please, do not hesitate to contact us at unep-gpmarinelitter@un.org.