Round-table on current practices and trends in the use of e-learning platforms

XII (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)


Palais des Nations

Geneva, Switzerland

Context: The current review of the Joint Inspection Unit entitled “Policies, programmes and platforms in support of learning. Towards more coherence, coordination and convergence”.

Co-organizers: The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations system, Geneva Learning Network, Diplo Foundation

Participation of high-level experts:

The round-table enjoys the presence of high-level experts representing all categories of stakeholders: The Centre for Learning Sciences, The Open University, DiploFoundation, Coorpacademy, ILO-International Training Centre, LinkedIn, Claned, Wikimedia. They are all expected to present concrete aspects of the use of e-learning platforms and share reflections about the future of learning.


  1. learning managers in the United Nations system organisations based in Geneva, learning services providers, other interested practitioners;
  2. interested representatives of diplomatic missions;
  3. virtual attendance of UN entities based in other cities;
  4. the JIU project team.

Objective: knowledge-sharing based on practical presentations of current and potential uses of e-learning platforms. Comparative and critical analysis as well as reflections about the future of e-learning.

The Joint Inspection Unit will use some of the conclusions and findings in the preparation of its official report on learning. The participating United Nations organisations will enrich their knowledge and visualize other practices than their own.

Focus of the presentations: visits in the virtual classrooms and other learning environments to show concrete aspects of the use of e-learning platforms:

  • core course content (texts for reading, video, audio, etc.)
  • access to additional resources and activities
  • interaction between learners and lecturers/tutors (if any)
  • interaction between learners
  • interaction with the course content, if any (e.g. comments, bookmarks, collections)
  • assessment tools and activity reporting

Format: key-note presentations followed by interactive dialogue; webcast for virtual attendance

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