Following on the recommendations of the IPC, WHO is convening the 2nd interagency consultation on local production to continue the dialogue and momentum on local production of essential medicines and health products.
The objectives of the meeting are to:
a. provide an update on recent activities in promoting local production from partners;
b. develop a common working definition for “local production” (refer to Appendix 2 for a compilation of definitions of local production used);
c. discuss the development of an interagency statement on the progress and the way forward in promoting local production (refer to Appendix 3 for a compilation of public statements);
d. establish a standing IPC subcommittee on local production.
The expected outcomes of the meeting include:
a. elements for a common working definition for “local production”;
b. a draft outline of an interagency statement on the progress and way forward in promoting local production;
c. establishment of a standing IPC subcommittee on local production;
d. recommendations for the way forward.