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10–12 Dec 2024
Palm Beach Hotel
Africa/Dakar timezone

Following in the footsteps of successful previous editions, we are pleased to welcome you to the fifth EIOS Global Technical Meeting (GTM) in Senegal from 10 -12 December 2024. The GTM is the prime community event for the EIOS initiative. It brings together its global Community of Practice of EIOS system users and multi-sectoral collaborators, united in their common mission to strengthen public health intelligence (PHI) for early detection and response to health threats.

The conference is an opportunity to engage in discussions about the latest challenges, solutions, and innovations in PHI, to strengthen our global PHI networks to improve Collaborative Surveillance and forge new alliances across jurisdictions, domains and sectors.

Under the topic of “The Future of Public Health Intelligence,” and with gracious support from the European Commission's Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), this year’s GTM will explore what this future might look like. Over three dynamic days, the conference will cover a wide range of topics, including Artificial Intelligence in Public Health, EIOS system enhancements and EIOS community experiences, and as well as innovative strategies to better prepare the PHI workforce of the future.

Expected outcomes include:


  • Strengthened unity and transparency in the PHI community through linkages across participants from all levels and sectors;
  • Sharing of experiences from performing PHI activities (detection, verification, assessment, and communication), including tools and processes used, success stories, gaps and requirements and lessons learned from different regions; and
  • Identification of research and development opportunities for enhancing, standardizing and harmonizing PHI activities and systems through the EIOS initiative and the WHO Hubs in Dakar, Senegal, and Berlin, Germany.     
Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal
Main meeting venue: The Palm Beach Resort & SPA hotel (Saly Portudal BP 64 Mbour – Senegal) Meeting reception: WHO Regional Emergency Hub in Dakar (Parc Industrial Integre de Dimaniadio, Entrepot A2 Arrondissement C rue 31 x 32 PoteUrbain de Diamaniadio, Senegal)