OER Dynamic Coalition Advisory Board Meeting
The Open Educational Resources (OER) Dynamic Coalition was established in March 2020 by UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector with the objective of supporting the implementation of the first four areas of action defined in the 2019 UNESCO Recommendation on OER.
- Capacity building: developing the capacity of all key education stakeholders to create, access, re-use, re-purpose, adapt, and redistribute OER, as well as to use and apply open licenses in a manner consistent with national copyright legislation and international obligations;
- Developing supportive policy: encouraging governments, and education authorities and institutions to adopt regulatory frameworks to support open licensing of publicly funded educational and research materials, develop strategies to enable the use and adaptation of OER in support of high quality, inclusive education and lifelong learning for all, supported by relevant research in the area;
- Effective, inclusive and equitable access to quality OER: supporting the adoption of strategies and programmes including through relevant technology solutions that ensure OER in any medium are shared in open formats and standards to maximize equitable access, co-creation, curation, and searchability, including for those from vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities;
- Nurturing the creation of sustainability models for OER: supporting and encouraging the creation of sustainability models for OER at national, regional and institutional levels, and the planning and pilot testing of new sustainable forms of education and learning.
The OER Dynamic Coalition aims to foster and facilitate international cooperation between stakeholders and share best practices with a view to creating synergies and networks in the implementation of the 2019 Recommendation on OER
The OER Dynamic Coalition brings together stakeholders from Member States, including from Ministries responsible for Education and/or Communication and Information Technologies, National Commissions to UNESCO, educational institutions and bodies, cultural institutions (including libraries, archives and museums), Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), UNESCO Category 2 Centres, specialised institutions, civil society and the private sector.
You would like to join the Dynamic Coalition on OER? Please complete the form above.
- OER Dynamic Coalition Update
If you wish to share information about projects, programmes, surveys, or any other OER initiative that you would like to open to the community, please send us an email at Oerrecommendation@unesco.org.
To enhance the visibility of the Recommendation's implementation activities, the Dynamic Coalition regularly publishes an Update to share information on OER events, projects and initiatives of UNESCO and its partners as well as at the global level.
OER Dynamic Coalition Updates:
- 2023: January - March - April - July - September
- 2022: January - March - April - May - June - August - September - October - November
Recent Activities
The OER Dynamic Coalition has launched a series of webinars to share knowledge and best practice in the different action areas of the OER Recommendation.
See below the list of YouTube videos of OER DC webinars:
2023 OER Dynamic Coalition Webinar for Open Education Week
As a celebration of Open Education Week, the OER Dynamic Coalition webinar delved into the practical implementation of UNESCO 2019 Recommendation on OER . Gathering experts from 16 different countries, the webinar provided a rich platform for sharing best practices and success stories related to Open Educational Resources. Participants discussed strategies for harnessing the potential of OER to provide free, high-quality education for all.

OER Dynamic Coalition Webinar on Open Solutions
4 May 2023, 16:00 – 17:30 CET

OER Dynamic Coalition Webinar Action Area 3: Encouraging quality, inclusive and accessible OER
24 January 2022 - 15:00 CET

How to OER webinar
6 May 2021 11:00-12.00 pm CET

ICT Competency Framework for Teachers OER Webinar
4 February 2021 16:00 - 17:00 pm CET

Open Education Week Dynamic Coalition webinar
March 4 2021 14:30-15:30 pm CET

Developing Supportive Policy for OER
17 June 2021 16:00-17:00 pm CET

Open Education Global webinar
27 September 2021 15:30- 17:30 pm CET

OER YouTube Playlist
Partners (in alphabetical order)
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Call for Joint Action: Supporting Learning and Knowledge Sharing through Open Educational Resources (OER)
In response to the massive disruption of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic affecting 1.57 billion learners in 191 countries, UNESCO has issued a Call to support learning and knowledge sharing through Open Educational Resources (OER) world. The Call is co-signed by Moez Chakchouk and Stefania Giannini, respectively Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, and for Education at UNESCO, and encourages implementation of the OER Recommendation, which identifies actions in five main areas: Capacity building and use of OER; Developing supportive policy; effective, inclusive and equitable access to quality OER; Nurturing the creation of sustainability models for OER; fostering and facilitating international cooperation.