The Arab-Africa Science, Technology, Policy & Private Sector Nexus for Disaster Risk Reduction is a joint conference hosted by the Government of Tunisia under the auspices of H.E. Ahmed al-Hachani, the Prime Minister of Tunisia and in collaboration with UNDRR.

The conference will bring together multi-stakeholder contributors, including experts and practitioners from governments, the private sector, science and academic institutions, the UN and its specialized organizations, and regional and international organizations to discuss common issues and challenges countries face. The two-day conference would be comprised of interactive discussions to share experiences and knowledge among the countries in the Africa and Arab regions and showcase the latest innovations, technical know-how, tools and techniques for disaster risk reduction from the private sector and academia.

Conference Palace, Tunis, Tunisia
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The conference seeks to produce an appeal to action that involves governments, scientific and academic institutions, and the private sector to collaborate and take concrete steps in support of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and its Mid-term review.

Registration for this event is currently open.