10–13 Oct 2022
WHO Regional Office
Africa/Cairo timezone
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Scientific Programme

Sixty-nineth session
WHO Regional Office, Cairo, Egypt, 10–13 October 2022

Draft Provisional Agenda

  1. Opening of the session

    (a) Election of Officers

    (b) Adoption of the Agenda EM/RC69/1-Rev.1

  2. (a) Annual Report of the Regional Director 2021 EM/RC69/3

    Progress reports on:
    (b) Eradication of poliomyelitis EM/RC69/INF.DOC.1

    (c) Regional approach to implementing the Thirteenth General Programme of Work, 2019–2023 EM/RC69/INF.DOC.2

    (d) Private sector engagement for advancing universal health coverage EM/RC69/INF.DOC.3

    (e) Strengthening the nursing workforce to advance universal health coverage in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a call for action EM/RC69/INF.DOC.4

    (f) Regional strategy to improve access to medicines and vaccines in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2020–2030, including lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic EM/RC69/INF.DOC.5

    (g) Strategic framework for blood safety and availability 2016–2025 EM/RC69/INF.DOC.6

    (h) Health issues facing populations affected by disasters and emergencies, including the International Health Regulations (2005)
    3. Technical papers

    (a) Building resilient health systems to advance universal health coverage and promote health security in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

    (b) Accelerating the prevention, control and elimination of communicable diseases through integration: optimizing support from Gavi and the Global Fund
    (c) Promoting health and well-being in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: moving from theory to action to achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals
    (d) Advancing the implementation of One Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

    (e) Regional strategy for fostering digital health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (2023–2027) EM/RC69/8

  3. World Health Assembly and Executive Board

    Programme and budget matters

    (a) Extending the Thirteenth General Programme of Work,
    2019–2023, to 2025
    (b) Member State consultations on Programme Budget 2024-2025 EM/RC69/9


Governance matters

(c) Resolutions and decisions of regional interest adopted by the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly and the Executive Board at its 150th and 151st sessions   EM/RC69/11

(d) Review of the draft provisional agenda of the 152nd session of the WHO Executive Board 
EM/RC69/11-Annex 1
(e) Membership of WHO bodies and committees EM/RC69/12

(f) Transformation update   EM/RC69/13

Technical matters:

(g) Update on the Director-General’s proposals for strengthening the global architecture of health emergency preparedness, response and resilience  EM/RC69/14

(h) Global strategy on infection prevention and control EM/RC69/15

(i) Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination EM/RC69/16

(j) Global Health for Peace Initiative  EM/RC69/17

(k) Well-being and health promotion EM/RC69/18

5.Report of the sixth meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Regional Director EM/RC69/19

  1. Report of the thirteenth, and fourteenth meetings of the Programme Subcommittee of the Regional Committee EM/RC69/20

  2. Report of the fourth and fifth meetings of the Regional Subcommittee for Polio Eradication and Outbreaks EM/RC69/22

  3. Nominations

Nomination of a Member State to the Joint Coordinating Board (JCB) of the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease (TDR) EM/RC69/24

  1. Awards

Award of the State of Kuwait Prize for the Control of Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region EM/RC69/INF.DOC.8

10.Place and date of future sessions of the Regional Committee EM/RC69/INF.DOC.9

  1. Other business

  2. Closing session