23–26 Feb 2021
Palais des Nations
Europe/Zurich timezone

The eighty-third session of the Inland Transport Committee will be held in virtual format* with in-person participation only in exceptional cases, the latter subject to confirmation by the secretariat.

Participants should avoid making travel plans.

[*due to pandemic response measures by the host country, global traveling restrictions in relation to COVID-19, and response measures taken by UNOG Conference Management Services.]

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
All on-site and remote delegates are required to register through the INDICO database, including holders of UNOG long duration badges, Permanent Missions and members of the secretariat. If you don't have an INDICO account yet, please create one to be able to register. If your registration has been approved, you will receive the connection details to the session a few days before the meeting. Do not take into account the automatic email (pass) with the QR code.