The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) is pleased to invite you to an event exploring WMD arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation in the Middle East today and its broader implications. This event will include panels covering: the state of the Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone (ME WMDFZ) and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and how these two issues will play out at the upcoming 2020 NPT Review Conference; how the ME WMDFZ was addressed in past Review Conferences and options for the 2020 RevCon; and pathways forward, including the relevance of other regional experiences to the Middle East. The event is generously supported by the Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva. Coffee and lunch will be served.
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Click on “Register now”. Once you created an account, go back to the event page and register. Please make sure that you upload a valid ID photo (a passport photo, not a selfie) otherwise security may not issue your pass in advance. Following the confirmation of your registration, you will receive an email message with a QR code. Please save it on your phone and/or print it and bring it with you on the first day, along with your national passport, for when you go through security at the Visitors’ Entrance. On your arrival of the United Nations, present yourself at the Pregny Gate (Visitors’ Entrance), where you will pass through security screening and then pick up your grounds pass. Please note that it may take up to 45 minutes to get through Security. You will need to have the QR code that you have received during registration and your national passport. For security reasons, kindly note that your badge must be worn and visible at all times while at the Palais des Nations.