We have a new system for registering to attend our meetings. The first time you use this system, you'll need to create a user account. Even if you had a user account on our old meeting registration system, you will need to create a new one here. Once created, you can use your login details to register for any of our meetings.

To register for this meeting, you will need to provide the following information: photo, passport or national ID, professional contact details.


Statistics Poland, Warsaw, Poland
730 (7th floor, main entrance)
Statistics Poland (Główny Urząd Statystyczny – GUS)Aleja Niepodległości 208 00-925 Warsaw, Poland

The sprint is open to Task Force members only. The work of the Task Force can be accessed by those with a members' login on the UNECE wiki.

Logistical information for the sprint has been emailed to Task Force members and can also be found on the private wiki.