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29–30 Oct 2019
Palais des Nations
Europe/Berlin timezone


Item 5: Closing the gender gaps: Effective economic and social policies in the UNECE region

no code
29 Oct 2019, 15:00
XVIII (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)


Palais des Nations

Geneva, Switzerland


The discussion will highlight effective economic and social policies to close existing gender gaps in economic activities, including labour market participation, entrepreneurship, labour migration, gender pay gap, access to highly skilled jobs, career development, and policies for gender responsive social protection and public services. It will also address the life-long effects of the gender wage gap, including the pension gap. The dialogue will include policies to facilitate the equal access to decent work for all, recognition and redistribution of unpaid work, sharing of family responsibilities; as well as measures promoting the diversification of occupational choices by both women and men. Special attention will be
given to reducing gender inequalities in rural areas.

Presentation materials

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