For Delegates who attended a conference at UNOG: DGACM is conducting a global online survey to seek the evaluation by Member States of the quality of the conference services provided to them. Click here for the survey

20 September 2017
Palais des Nations
Europe/Zurich timezone

Organized by the Permanent Mission of Canada.


David William Maris's work as an artist is formulated upon the values and observations that I have gained through life experience, experience that has been gained through communal, environmental and personal relationships. This work is dedicated to

      pursuing the continuous and fearless exploration into the complexities of the human condition.

      providing uncensored political commentary on the myriad institutions built into our societies and the many systems that propagandize on their behalf.

      deconstructing the overt and covert messages carried within this propaganda and how these are segmented, compartmentalized, disguised, beautified and packaged for delivery and mass consumption by the public.

      facilitating the contrasting vision that there is also colour and beauty to be found in the ugliness that is continually inflicted upon us.

      confronting the depths into which we are willing to place ourselves in relation to the various mechanisms of society we have co-created and then empowered and allowed to deliver this content that envelops us.

The work is based in personal experience and the global limited understanding of human interaction. Hidden in the work is the social angst and the authenticity within which we must all conduct ourselves.



Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Communal Space
E Building, 3rd floor - Door 40
Go to map

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Due to limited seating, ALL attendees are kindly requested to register.

If you don't have an account: you first need to create a personal account to be able to register on Indico. Once you have created your personal account, you will receive an activation link by e-mail. Once your account is activated, we will be able to process your registration request. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.

If you already have an account: We will process your registration request as soon as possible. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.

In case you don't receive any e-mails activating your account or confirming your registration, please check your spams or contact us at