This Indico website only refers to registration and provision of access badges to the Palais de Nations, Geneva Switzerland for the BWC Meetings of Experts in 2018. All participants also need to have their names included in a Note Verbale or official letter from their State or organization.
States Parties and Signatory States wishing to participate should send, through their Permanent Missions, a letter or note verbale to the Implementation Support Unit notifying the full names and titles of the members of the delegation. The head of delegation should be clearly indicated. Only the names of participants listed in the letter or note verbale will be included in the official list of participants of the Meetings of Experts. Formal credentials are not required for the Meetings of Experts.
States which are neither parties nor signatories to the Convention may apply to participate in the Meetings of Experts as observers. A letter or note verbale should be addressed, through their Permanent Missions, to the Implementation Support Unit applying for observer status and listing the full names and titles of the members of the delegation. The head of delegation should be clearly indicated. Observer status is granted by the decision of the Meetings. The Meetings will consider and decide on all requests for observer status at their opening sessions. Only the names of participants listed in the letter or note verbale will be included in the official list of participants of the Meetings of Experts.
International organizations may apply to participate in the Meetings of Experts as observer agencies. A letter or note verbale should be addressed to the Implementation Support Unit applying for observer agency status, listing the full names and titles of the members of the delegation. The name of the head of delegation should be clearly indicated. Observer agency status is granted by the decision of the Meetings. The Meetings will consider and decide on requests for observer agency status at their opening sessions. Only the names of participants listed in the letter or note verbale will be included in the official list of participants of the Meetings of Experts.
NGOs and academic institutions may register to attend public sessions of the Meetings of Experts. A letter on the official letterhead of the organization should be addressed to the Implementation Support Unit applying for attendance of the public sessions of the Meetings and listing the full names and titles of the representatives who will attend. NGOs and academic institutions that have not previously attended a BWC meeting should indicate previous interactions between the organization and the United Nations in relation to disarmament and non-proliferation issues. A mission statement or summary of work of the organization should be provided. Only the names of participants listed in the letter will be included in the official list of participants of the Meetings of Experts.
Note verbales and letters should be submitted no later than Friday 20 July 2018.
For any further information related to the BWC Meetings of Experts in 2018, please check the BWC website at
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