The SIDS Solutions Dialogue is organized by the FAO Liaison Offices in Brussels, Geneva, New York and the FAO Office of SIDS, LDCs and LLDCs in collaboration with FAO’s Statistics Division. The hybrid dialogue on Data will explore potential solutions that respond to the calls made at the SIDS4 Conference for strengthening data collection. More specifically, emphasis was placed on collecting quality, accessible, timely and reliable, disaggregated data, enhancing the capacity of statistical offices in SIDS, promoting partnerships and the sharing of good practice. The dialogue will focus on the key characteristics of the solutions developed to collect high quality food and agriculture data in cost-effective approaches, and on ways to foster the uptake of these methods in SIDS.
The main objectives of this dialogue are:
1. To identify and share existing solutions that can bridge data gaps and enhance timely access to quality data and statistics for sustainable development in SIDS.
2. To share experiences and good practices on agricultural statistics and food security statistics in SIDS, across regions.