Dear esteemed participants,
The Annual Geneva Interfaith Dialogue brings together a diverse panel of Ambassadors and other high-level representatives from the world's major faiths and the broader International Geneva community. This gathering, held annually during the World Interfaith Harmony Week at the United Nations Office at Geneva
(UNOG), facilitates discussions on the intersections of faith, politics, and society. More than a commemoration of UNGA Resolution 65/5, the Dialogue serves as a dynamic platform to elevate public awareness, reaffirm the Resolution's commitments, and enhance global capacity for translating its values into practical initiatives.
On behalf of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, we look forward to hosting you on the 7th of February, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland for our 10th Annual Interfatih Dialogue entiteld ’The Role of Interfaith Dialogue in Strengthening Cultural Diplomacy'. As dictated by our policy requirement, please note the following disclaimer:
UNITAR will not cover any medical expenses for the duration of the event, including travel to the event. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you arrange for your own travel and medical insurance which will cover all medical costs, including medical repatriation/evacuation and legal costs.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions