Stakeholder Forum (3 February 2025)
In preparation for the Second Asia-Pacific Regional Review of Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration convened by ESCAP and the Regional UN Network on Migration for Asia and the Pacific, in Bangkok, from 4 to 6 February 2025, there will be Stakeholder Forum held at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok on 3 February 2025. More information is forthcoming.
Intergovernmental Meeting (4-6 February 2025)
ESCAP will convene the Second Asia-Pacific Regional Review of Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration with the Regional United Nations Network on Migration for Asia and the Pacific at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok from 4 to 6 February 2025. The intergovernmental meeting will bring together ESCAP members and associated members, relevant stakeholders, United Nations entities, and independent experts from across the Asia-Pacific region.
The objectives of the Second Asia-Pacific Regional Review are the following:
• To take stock of progress made in the Asia-Pacific region with regard to the 360-degree implementation of the 23 objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration since the first Asia-Pacific Regional Review
• To identify key challenges, opportunities, gaps and emerging issues, as well as promising practices and lessons learned, related to the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration in Asia and the Pacific
• To discuss regional priorities and potential areas for regional cooperation on international migration in line with the vision and guiding principles of the Global Compact for Migration
• To compile information on the resources, capacity-building, policy advice, data-gathering, technology and partnerships that are required for the full implementation of the Global Compact for Migration at the national and regional levels
• To facilitate the formulation of key findings and recommendations to inform the 2026 International Migration Review Forum
For more information, please see Concept note.
Credentials and registration
Please note the attending the Conference is by invitation only.
Each delegation is required to submit a letter of credentials, duly signed by the appropriate authority of the respective Government or organization, at the earliest convenience, but no later than 3 January 2025 to
All participants who appear in the letter of credentials are requested, in accordance with standard United Nations security procedures, to register online as soon as possible but no later than 17 January 2025 (23:59 hours Bangkok time). Only the names of duly accredited and registered participants will be included in the list of participants.