Indico.UN will undergo scheduled maintenance on the first Wednesday of each month from 12:00 to 13:00 CET (6:00 to 7:00 AM EST, 18:00 to 19:00 ICT).
We appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance your experience.
Minority representation in public space: Morning session
Highlighting the (lack of) representation of minorities in the names of streets, public places and institutions as well as architectural and ornamental installations;
Analyzing minorities presence, both effective and symbolic, in public policies and measures related to political symbols such as national and regional calendars (through for instance official celebrations and public holidays);
Discussing the role and place of minorities in memorial policies and practices;
Addressing the right or prohibition of minorities to show religious or cultural symbols in public spaces;
Assessing the (lack of) opportunities of minorities to participate in those decisions.
Minority representation in education: Afternoon session
Assessing how minority students effectively exercise their right to learn about their own history and culture;
Addressing the role of education to ensure that all students shall learn about the existence, specificities and contribution of minority groups to society as a whole;
Discussing the presence or absence of a curriculum emphasizing cultural diversity and the contribution of minority figures with an express focus on discourses on minorities history;
Assessing the involvement of minorities in the development of the parts of the curriculum that directly affect them.
Minority representation in the media, including social media: Morning session
Identifying elements of languages regarding minorities in traditional and social media;
Apprehending the specific challenges and opportunities linked to the representation and self-representation of minorities through social media; addressing scapegoating, polarizing speech, hate speech as well as highlighting good practices of inclusive discourses on minority in the media;
Exploring instances of pluri-linguistic media or minority language medias;
Observing media contents and the broadcasting of minority cultures and traditions.
Minority representation in art and culture: Afternoon session
Identifying elements of languages regarding minorities in traditional and social media;
Apprehending the specific challenges and opportunities linked to the representation and self-representation of minorities through social media;
Addressing scapegoating, polarizing speech, hate speech as well as highlighting good practices of inclusive discourses on minority in the media;
Exploring instances of pluri-linguistic media or minority language medias;
Observing media contents and the broadcasting of minority cultures and traditions.