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11–13 Nov 2024
United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC - BKK)
Asia/Bangkok timezone

PCJ Conference Organizing Committee 2024

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bangkok Regional Hub, the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ), the United Nations Environment Programme  (UNEP) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and UN Women Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with the World Justice Project, the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), UNICEF, and Pathfinders, will host the regional conference "Achieving Just Societies: Inclusive Justice Pathways for People and Planet in Asia and the Pacific" which is scheduled to take place in Bangkok from November 11-13, 2024. 


The conference will serve as a dynamic platform for stakeholders to exchange insights, address challenges, and explore innovative, data-driven, and evidence-based approaches to enhancing equal and inclusive access to justice for all through people-centered methods, including in crisis-affected settings. In line with a human rights-based approach and the 'leave no one behind' principles, the event aims to foster partnerships and promote robust access to justice frameworks that better prioritize human rights, as well as the justice needs and emerging priorities of individuals and communities across the Asia and Pacific region. 


Ultimately, the conference aspires to reinforce a collective regional commitment to upholding the rule of law, ensuring equal and inclusive access to justice, and protecting human rights, all of which are foundational to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in Agenda 2030.  


The conference will also feature dedicated sessions for judges as part of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Judicial Integrity Network in ASEAN, as well as provide a venue for showcasing development partners’ country-level and regional engagement on access to justice issues through a series of World Café sessions. 

United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC - BKK), Bangkok City, Thailand
United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC-BKK)/Conference Room 2-Level 2
Registration for this event is currently open.