The Regional Workshop: Promoting Passive Cooling Strategies in Building Sector Policy and Practice will be held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok and online on 16 August 2024.
Rising temperatures and more frequent extreme heat events from climate change make cool indoor spaces an increasing necessity. However, poorly designed homes, workplaces, and commercial spaces that trap heat and increase the need for energy-intensive and costly air conditioning are far too common. Buildings that employ “passive cooling strategies” aimed at maintaining comfortable indoor environments with reduced or no reliance on mechanical cooling appliances or systems are less common. This situation leads to unmet cooling needs, heat stress vulnerability and rising electricity demand. Space cooling now represents the fastest growing energy end use in buildings.
The objective of the Regional Workshop is to catalyse actions toward the adoption of passive cooling strategies in building design and construction, leading to more comfortable and less energy-intensive buildings. This workshop will look at passive cooling’s advantages and the current status of policy and practice; consider policies to promote the adoption of passive cooling strategies; and encourage stakeholder engagement to foster collaboration and partnerships.
On 15 August, as a lead up to this workshop, participants are invited to join a guided tour of the Thailand Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency’s Chaloem Phrakiat Energy Conservation Building, and one or two additional sites in Bangkok to observe innovative strategies and practices in building design and construction, and to engage with policymakers and practitioners.