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24–26 Sept 2024
Astoria Grand Hotel
Europe/Sofia timezone

The WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Center of Disease Prevention and Control continues to actively support States Parties to further develop and maintain their capacities for preparedness, surveillance, and response by the IHR including the development of mechanisms for multi-sectoral and cross-border collaboration, as well as to strengthening the role of National IHR Focal Points (NFPs). 


  • The overall purpose of the meeting is to strategically discuss the implementation of the IHR (2005) in the context of the WHO European Region, through the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2022/2371 on serious cross-border threats and other regional roadmaps and the upcoming regional strategy and action plan on health emergency preparedness, response and resilience in the WHO European Region 2024-2029 (Preparedness 2.0).
  • It will provide an opportunity to update NFPs on key developments and activities as well as consult them on strategic and technical matters on existing gaps and challenges in complying, implementing, and applying the IHR (2005). It will facilitate networking between IHR NFPs, WHO EURO, and ECDC and provide a platform for focused discussions and consensus building on the next steps that are required for the development of the Regional Action Plan.  
Astoria Grand Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia Center, bulevard "General Eduard I. Totleben" 8 1606 Sofia, Bulgaria
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