The 12th session of the Group of Experts on Gas, will take place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, from 25 to 26 March 2025 in the framework of UNECE Resource Management Week 2025.
Among other themes, the twelfth session will discuss:
· System resilience, security of supply, and the future of gas supply in Europe
· The enabling role of biogases in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals
· The role of gas infrastructure in accelerating hydrogen projects
· Gas as an enabler of Just Transition
· Carbon capture, use and storage (though the use of depleted gas fields)
· Abatement of methane emissions from the gas sector in the ECE region
This event offers a unique platform for exchanging innovative ideas, sharing best practices, and exploring collaborative solutions to help ECE member States deliver on key political commitments, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or the global agreements on climate change. The event will gather the gas industry representatives, the international organizations, the academia and other experts and stakeholders who wish to redefine the role of gas in energy transition.
The meeting will be conducted in person only, with simultaneous interpretation in English, French, and Russian.