22–29 Apr 2024
United Nations Headquarters
US/Eastern timezone

Ahead of the election of the President of the seventy-ninth session of the UN General Assembly, His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis will convene the informal interactive dialogues with the candidates on 8 May 2024 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.  

In its resolution 71/323, entitled “Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly”, the Assembly decided to call upon candidates for the position of President of the General Assembly to present their vision statements and to conduct informal interactive dialogues with Member States, thus contributing to the transparency and inclusivity of the process.

In accordance with the established regional rotation, the President of the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly will be elected from the Group of African States.

H.E. Mr. Philemon Yang of Cameroon has been nominated.

Information about the candidate, including the submitted vision statement, and the election process is available on the website of the President of the seventy-eight General Assembly.

The United Nations invites civil society organizations, as well as individuals, to submit questions to the candidate for his response during the interactive dialogue. Representatives of civil society organizations with a valid UN ground pass may attend in person, space permitting.

Kindly note that submission of a question does not guarantee it will be selected. Those short-listed will be contacted further regarding in-person attendance or to submit a pre-recorded video message for inclusion in the interactive dialogue. Questions will be selected to reflect the inclusive nature of the process, including a diverse regional, thematic, generational, and other representation to the fullest extent possible. 

The deadline to submit your questions is 29 April 2024, 5 p.m. Eastern Time.



United Nations Headquarters, New York, United States of America
Trusteeship Council Chamber