Dear Users, Indico.UN has been updated to v3.19.0, introducing face picture quality verification in registration forms. This ensures uploaded images meet official guidelines, as recommended by the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS).

The introduction of a framework for designating and publicly listing a regulatory authority as a WHO Listed Authority (WLA) is designed to provide a transparent and evidence-based pathway for regulatory authorities to be globally recognized as meeting and applying WHO and other internationally recognized standards and guidelines, as well as good regulatory practices.

To ensure impartiality and transparency in the above mentioned WLA decision-making process, WHO has recently established the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on WHO Listed Authorities (TAG-WLA), which is requested to provide advice to WHO on the listing, or possible delisting, of a regulatory authority, thereby providing an additional level of assurance that due process was followed and that WHO decisions are supported by findings.

The TAG WLA is expected to meet at least twice per year, as appropriate, to provide advice on listing/delisting of candidate WLAs.

WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27
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