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This event, co-organised by the FAO, Biovision, the Agroecology Coalition and the Food Policy Forum for Change, discusses how to bring agroecology to scale through national strategies aiming at supporting the agroecological transition of food systems. These strategies have the potential to harness opportunities of a sustainable development of agri-food systems, by upscaling agroecological production practices, developing markets, value chains and consumer demand that can accelerate transition. Get inspired by learnings from Eastern and Southern Africa summarised in an outcome brief presented during the event and followed by an insightful discussion with policy makers and shapers from the region, among others.

Confirmed speakers:

Dominique Burgeon (Director, FAO Liaison Office with the UN in Geneva), Oliver Oliveiros (Coordinator Agroecology Coalition), Paul Holmbeck (Member of World Board, IFOAM - Organics International), Remi Cluset (Senior Agricultural Advisor, Agroecology, FAO), Janet Maro (Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania), Alex Lwakuba (Commissioner Crop Production Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Republic of Uganda), Mary Irungu (Policy Advocacy Manager, PELUM Kenya) and Moritz Fegert (Lead author outcome brief, Biovision)

Moderation:  Biovision

In case you have any questions or comments  please send  them to ;


Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
H/5-542 - H.542

This event, co-organised by the FAO, Biovision, the Agroecology Coalition and the Food Policy Forum for Change, discusses how to bring agroecology to scale through national strategies aiming at supporting the agroecological transition of food systems.