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20–21 Mar 2024
United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC - BKK)
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Innovation, Enterprise, and Investment Section

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific will be offering a targeted capacity building workshop for ASEAN investment promotion agencies (IPAs) as a part of its work programme with the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Investment (CCI) on investment promotion and attraction.

The first ASEAN IPA workshop of 2024, “ESCAP-ASEAN Investment Promotion and Attraction Workshop” will be held in Bangkok at United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) on 20-21 March 2024 in Meeting room A.

The workshop will provide the foundations for the ASEAN FDI Action Plan and will include both a training component as well as a consultative component. The training component will focus on building capacity to promote FDI as a region using best practices examples from other regions. The consultative component will include 1-on-1 consultations with each IPA present to discuss their investment promotion and attraction capacity and priorities. These 1-on-1 consultations are critical to begin drafting the ASEAN FDI Action Plan, and the consultations will also be open for virtual participation from staff located in the capitals of each IPA.

United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC - BKK), Bangkok City, Thailand
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