Global Education Coalition Fourth Annual MeetingIN-PERSON

Fontenoy/Floor: RdC-Room/Salle I (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France)

Fontenoy/Floor: RdC-Room/Salle I

UNESCO Headquarters

UNESCO Headquarters, 7 Pl. de Fontenoy 75007 Paris, France

Global Education Coalition

In the face of rising global education challenges, responsive and coordinated multistakeholder cooperation is at the heart of UNESCO's social contract that drives the futures of education. The Coalition has grown into a significant network of over 200 institutional partners, representing a diverse spectrum of organisations, all united by a common goal to advance inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning. There are only six years left to achieve SDG 4 and the substantial work that remains demands coordinated, collaborative, cross-sectoral approaches among partners who can each contribute their unique expertise.

The Coalition is dedicating this annual meeting to increase partner commitment to collaborative projects that advance progress towards SDG 4. In a year that will redefine multilateralism for the digital age – and against the backdrop of the Global Digital Compact and the Pact for the Future – Coalition partners demonstrate their engagement in meaningful multistakeholder collaboration for positive education transformation, collectively addressing challenges related to scalability, sustainability, equity and relevance.

We cannot scale sustainable solutions in siloes. If we seek true education transformation, we must work together. This annual meeting will explore how we can better coordinate, build trust, harness solidarity, and align towards our collective north star of inclusive and equitable quality lifelong learning for all.

Members of the Coalition represent a wide range of expertise and competencies
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