UHPR Administrative support

In line with the UHPR Concept Note noted by WHA75, the UHPR is being organized in two phases: (1) a national review and (2) a global peer review. Between December 2021 and May 2023, 5 Member States volunteered to pilot the national review and expressed their wish to complete the piloting cycle with the testing of the global peer review in February 2024. Following a consultation with all Member States on the working methods for the global peer review on 3 July 2023 and at the request of UHPR pilot countries, the WHO Secretariat is hosting the first global peer review, which will provide additional information to all Member States as they continue their discussions as part of the International Negotiating Body and IHR-Working Group.

For this exercise, the Central African Republic, Portugal and Thailand accepted to present the findings of their national review and engage in a dialogue with other Member States.

WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Auditorium 1/.-.
Registration for this event is currently open.