Since 2012 UNEP MAP is executing the projects EcAp MED and Marine Litter MED funded by the European Commission in the framework of its strategic cooperation with UNEP.

The activities and the deliverables of both projects have been instrumental for strengthening the technical and institutional capacities of the Beneficiary Countries, undertake regular monitoring of marine and coastal areas in line with the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme of the Mediterranean Sea and coast (IMAP), and implement reduction and prevention of marine litter measures in 30 pilot sites.

At regional and sub-regional level the projects supported the developments of a number of guidelines and assessments outputs, while substantially contributing to the delivery of quality assured data for the elaboration of the 2023 Mediterranean Quality Status Report (2023 MED QSR), in order to measure and enable the progress towards achieving the Good Environmental Status (GES).

Athens Hotel Royal Olympic | Luxury Athens Five Star Hotel 28-34 Athanasiou Diakou Str. 117 43, Athens, GREECE
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