Environment and Development


The PAPGAPI program was implemented in 2020, in cooperation with the Korean National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) and other partners, with the purpose of enhancing capacity of national space agencies, environment ministries and relevant ministries in target countries responsible for space applications and air pollution management, to utilize remote sensing data for air pollution monitoring.

ESCAP is currently undertaking analytical and capacity development activities to strengthen cooperation on air pollution, with particular effort to enable evidence–based decision making at the city level to reduce urban air pollution. Using data-science-based evidence, ESCAP aims to enable policymakers to make planning decisions that effectively tackle air pollution for resilient and sustainable urbanization and economic development. To effectively achieve these goals, reliable data and science-based understanding is vital.

Accordingly, this project will examine the use of remote sensing data sources for air pollution action. Draft studies have been produced, which examine existing use, the path forward and recommendations. The purpose of this meeting is to undertake a peer review and commentary exercise to solicit the latest updates on national activities, and to provide opportunities for countries to comment on the substance of the reports.

The thematic areas of this expert group meeting will focus this peer review exercise, to support the detailed analysis of how to strengthen the science-policy interface, particular in the context of transboundary air pollution as well as innovative approaches and new insights on health impacts. The discussions on these points will be incorporated into a report summarizing air pollution trends and mitigation policy options and to guide subsequent mitigation activities and research priorities.


The meeting will draw upon the most current developments with respect to national policies and research to identify the strengths and limitations of the current mitigation programs in identifying and managing sources of air pollution throughout the region from the perspective of data analyzed from ground monitors and satellites. The resulting analysis will recommend the direction for future research to generate actionable insights for policy makers at the urban, provincial, national and regional levels. Science-based insights for focusing policy action, supporting international cooperation and informing environmental governance will be analyzed along with the usage and incorporation of GEMS data to strengthen air pollution mitigation efforts.

Target group

The Online Expert Group Meeting on Air Pollution welcomes government representatives, scholars, researchers, experts, and those with a shared interest in understanding how the present scientific research on air pollution can provide insight and forward-guidance to future thematic areas of air pollution research.

Meeting link will be sent to the participants in due course..
Registration for this event is currently open.