26 May 2023
UNAIDS Building
Europe/Zurich timezone

Opioid overdose, already a major cause of mortality in many countries, is increasing alarmingly across the world. A key factor in death rates everywhere is the presence of fentanyl and other strong synthetic opioids in the illicit drug supply, coupled with increasing availability and decreasing costs for all drugs. Globally, overdose mortality data is often incomplete and does not tell the whole story. However, many signs suggest this crisis will expand across the world in the coming years.

Overdose mortality has long term global, economic, social, cultural, and political implications – like AIDS – and similar global health leadership is needed in framing the response. Most opiate overdose deaths are easily avoidable with the right intervention, and there is lots of evidence to back up known interventions. We need the political will to bring these solutions to scale.

This event brings together an expert panel to review global trends on overdose and discuss what progress has been made in the past decade on overdose intervention and response. It will provide a forum to discuss progress and challenges within national policies, while learning from innovative interventions from multiple countries.

This event is hybrid with in-person attendance at the UNAIDS Secretariat 20, Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland in the Kofi Annan Room 

Virtual Participation will be via Zoom: https://unaids.zoom.us/j/85492006140?pwd=YVlNWDdXdmRNaHc0ckRLbTFJbHhwdz09
Meeting ID: 854 9200 6140
Passcode: 748136


A light lunch and drinks will be provided from 12:30 p.m. 

*Please note that in-person participants will be required to show their COVID vaccine certificate. 

UNAIDS Building, Geneva, Switzerland
Avenue Appia, 20 1201 Geneva
Join Zoom Meeting https://unaids.zoom.us/j/85492006140?pwd=YVlNWDdXdmRNaHc0ckRLbTFJbHhwdz09 Meeting ID: 854 9200 6140 Passcode: 748136