** Please note that only NGOs with ECOSOC Status and Accredited NGOs to the Conference of State Parties (COSP) may register via indico for the 16th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP16).

** Please be advised it is the responsibility of your organization to approve your registration. Upon registering, please contact your organization for approval. Your organization's designated conference focal point may select the menu item on the left to access the approval area or visit this link here.

Once registered, please reach out to your organization's conference focal point for approval.

Due to space constraints, the numbers of attendees to the COSP16 should be kept to a minimum and should not exceed 10 representatives per organization. Please note that the deadline to register is: 1 June 2023. 

Click here to register now

The 16th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP16) will be scheduled to take place at the United Nations Headquarters, New York,  from 13 to 15  June 2023.

Theme and sub-themes of the Conference

Overarching theme: Harmonizing national policies and strategies with the CRPD: achievements and challenges
Sub theme 1: Ensuring equal access to and accessibility of sexual and reproductive health services for persons with disabilities
Sub theme 2: Digital accessibility for persons with disabilities
Sub theme 3: Reaching the under-represented groups of persons with disabilities

Further information about the COSP16 is available here: https://bit.ly/un-cosp2023


Special attention for participants: COVID-19: Participants are advised to check the current rules and recommendations in New York prior to departure from their country of residence.  For entry into the United Nations Headquarters in New York, participants should be fully vaccinated, recently tested or recently recovered from Covid-19. You may be asked to show proof of vaccination for entry into the venue. Please be mindful of any requirement of your country of origin or any transit country.

Please view our quick guides on how to register:

For all Participants:

For Conference Focal Points:

If you have additional questions, please contact socialngo@un.org

Please be advised that the United Nations does not charge fees for participation in the COSP sessions. The United Nations will not pay for any expenses in connection with the participation of NGO representatives in the sessions of COSP. Such arrangements and costs are the exclusive responsibility of participants.

Arrangements for the session may be subject to change at any time in response to the global health situation.


United Nations Headquarters, New York, United States of America
Conference Room 4
405 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017