30 January 2023 to 1 February 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

The purpose of the two-day meeting is to finalize the N4H inception phase and initiate the operational phase whilst continuing to strengthen relationships between Consortium Partners. The workshop is targeted at Consortium Partner Focal Points as this is an operational workshop designed to drive forward the N4H activities. During the two-day workshop, we will address a broad range of topics from resource mobilization to communication and monitoring to finalizing a results framework, but the key focus will be on designing the operational phase and the systems approach. The objectives of the workshop are to:

  1. Wrap up outstanding elements from the inception phase
  2. Design key components of the operational phase
  3. Strengthen consortium relationships and working approaches

In advance of the meeting, participants are invited to review the N4H ToR and Operations Manual. Additional reading will be prepared. We have an ambitious agenda and look forward to working with you!

WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
D 06007/.-.
Registration for this event is currently open.