30 March 2023
Palais des Nations
Europe/Zurich timezone


Speech Recognition for Conferencing with S.Lobanova (UNOG), Y.Amartib & M.Calacean (European Commission), A.Djouama (ITU), A.Dewan & H.Meylan (WIPO), M.Recort Ruiz (ILO), D.Ciobanu & A.Secară (University of Vienna)

30 Mar 2023, 15:15
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Palais des Nations


• DGI, European Commission presentation by Yassin Amartib & Mihaela Calacean
• ITU presentation by Allaedine Djouama
• WIPO presentation by Akshat Dewan & Henri Meylan
• UNOG update by Tania Romera and Sofia Lobanova
• ILO update by Maria Recort Ruiz
• Speech recognition-supported captioning for accessibility by Alina Secară and Dragoș Ciobanu

Presentation materials

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