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ITC Annual JAG 2021

E/3-19 - E-3-19 - XIX (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)

E/3-19 - E-3-19 - XIX

Palais des Nations


JAG 55th session, 2021

The fifty-fifth annual session of the Joint Advisory Group of the International Trade Centre will take place in a hybrid format in person in Room XIX, Palais des Nations and online on 2 November 2021 from 10am-1pm and from 3pm-6pm.

The Joint Advisory Group (JAG) of the International Trade Centre meets annually to examine the activities of ITC on the basis of an ITC Annual Report and to make recommendations to the UNCTAD Trade and Development Board and to the Committee on Trade and Development of the World Trade Organization on ITC’s programme of work.

Governments of Member States of UNCTAD and members of the WTO are invited to this meeting. It is recommended that the representation be at the level of Ambassador or Senior Official.

The JAG meeting is open to United Nations specialized agencies and bodies, and to other intergovernmental organizations with observer status as well as to relevant non-governmental organizations.

Registration to the fifty-fifth annual session of the Joint Advisory Group, whether attending in person or virtually is mandatory and should be completed by: 1 November  2021.

For more information, please visit the JAG webpage



Due to Covid-19, meeting participants who:

  • within the 14 days prior, have been in close contact with a person testing positive for Covid-19, may only join meetings remotely and not in person,  and/or
  • have any cold- or flu-type symptoms (however mild)

are not authorized access to UNOG.

If you are diagnosed with Covid-19 within 14 days of your presence at this meeting at UNOG – even if no longer in Switzerland – you have a responsibility to inform the organizing secretariat or the UNOG Medical Service.

The UNOG Medical Service can be contacted by phone +41 (022) 917 25 20.

For the most up-to-date information about measures at the Palais des Nations please visit the UN Geneva website.

UNOG requires all persons wanting to come to the premises to follow Swiss regulations regarding travel quarantine and to wear masks in all common indoor areas.


Event Contact
    • 10:00 13:00
      MORNING SESSION: Session 1
    • 15:00 18:00
      AFTERNOON: Session 2