indico.UN V2.4.0 released
A new version of Indico.UN (2.4.0) has been released on 23rd of June at 12:00 PM (Geneva time)
Release notes:
- Update Indico core to 2.3 (IND2-1376)
- UNECE custom LOP (IND2-1322)
- Implementation of UNEP lop (IND2-1324)
- UNEP registrant list need Reptype qualifier (IND2-1449)
- Help portal link (IND2-1416)
- Badge Validity setup (IND2-1139)
- Display message approving registration whereas badge validity is set session-based with no session seleted (IND2-1493)
- LoP customization mecanism improvement (IND2-1423)
- Custom LoP for GAEAD (IND2-1298)
- Modification in the custom LoP for GAEAD (IND2-1539)
- Record all printed badges (IND2-615)
- Reason for rejection (IND2-1117)
- Option to hide the representation type section in the registration form(IND2-1531)
- Option to disable automatic notification on approve/reject (IND2-1123)
- Change "Black listed" label to "Watchlisted" (IND2-1548)
- Change profile picture from registration picture (IND2-1499)
- CCURE integration Step 2 (IND2-1534)
- Add Session section to the registrant list (IND2-1537)
- FIX V1 approved registrant doesn't show up as "approved" (IND2-1476)
- FIX Unable to set event as unmoderated (IND2-1438)
- FIX The notifications sent to a registrant, other than pending, approval, rejected, are not logged (IND2-1260)
- FIX Representation type NGO list issue (IND2-1473)
- FIX Open redirect vulnerability (IND2-1427)
- FIX One hour lag in the registration timestamp under the registration date column (IND2-1544)
- FIX Non-selected registration are set to pending (IND2-1430)
- FIX NGO restriction inheritance (IND2-1283)
- FIX missing field in registrant list and excel export (IND2-1436)
- FIX IGO representation type does not list the name of organization {{entity}} in the LoP (IND2-1448)
- FIX Email preview not showing up from the registrant's page (IND2-1478)
- FIX Category page not synced with gMeets (IND2-1458)
- FIX Approval email being sent on reject action of an approved participant (IND2-1243)