Indico.UN upgraded to v3.6
Indico.UN has just been upgraded to its latest release v3.6. This version focuses on fixing bugs and improving corner cases in the new registration list. Even though it was planned to retire the old registration list in the current release, this will finally happen in the next release instead. Check below other improvements and fixes coming in this release.
Home page:
- Added organizing unit in upcoming events (IND2-2767).
New registration list:
- Fixed the badge preview button (IND2-2920).
- Improved display of registration tags (IND2-2931).
- Made column headers appear always on top (IND2-2951).
- Made name-related columns appear always on the left (IND2-2925).
- Fixed user preferences being lost on each page refresh (IND2-2925).
- Fixed error on export to CCure XML button (IND2-2950).
- Fixed export to CCure XML in a single file producing multiple files (IND2-2963).
- Fixed many other small issues.
- Improved interface of the login page (IND2-2898).
- Added custom login logos in the login page (IND2-2960).
- Fixed user sessions expiring prematurely (IND2-2934).
- Enabled list filter on assignment type column (IND2-2981).
- Added assignment types for UNOV media (IND2-2981).
- Fixed other small issues.
Digital badge:
- Prevented printing badges for non-approved registrations (IND2-2872).
- Hid badge download button for non-approved registrations (IND2-2920).
CCure integration:
- Fixed CCure badge number on QR code (IND2-2919).
- Prevented sending multiple CCure XML about the same data change (IND2-2924).
- Fixed permission errors when generating CCure XML generation permission issue (IND2-2924).
- Fixed previwing CCure badges (IND2-2919).
Other fixes:
- Fixed long loading times on certain registration pages (IND2-2927).
- Fixed validation error of default badge field.