Indico.UN V2.1.0 released
A new version of Indico.UN (2.1.0) has been released on 26th Jan at 07:00 PM (Geneva time)
Release notes:
- Disable HTTP API (IND2-1226).
- Focal point unable to view assigned rep types (IND2-1249)
- Custom representation types for the UNCCD-CRIC19 (IND2-1215)
- Role UI add code based permissions (IND2-1213)
- Role UI rename role (IND2-1212)
- Event created in V1 does not appear under the category (IND2-1211)
- Custom Representation type for UNIS and MALU. (IND2-1206)
- File not being uploaded at the registration form (IND2-1197)
- Traceback accessing Category settings. (IND2-1194)
- Custom Representation type for Crime Congress event. (IND2-1176)
- AJAX registration form send (IND2-1142)
- Prevent participant to modify his/her registration after approval. (IND2-1110)
- Add timestamp and datestamp of the account creation and last logged-in by the user. (IND2-1073)
- Optimize the registrant list - Picture (IND2-1002)
- Prevent Focal Points to change registration data if registrant is approved (IND2-992)
- UNEP Nairobi Representation Types for Indico Version 2 (IND2-973)
- Permission management UI (IND2-900)
- Conditions for opening registration (IND2-355)
- Disallow user registration modifications after moderation (approved/rejected) (IND2-353)
- BUGFIX Unable to change the category of v1 event (IND2-1242)
- BUGFIX Changing the language when in an event on V1 returns an error page (IND2-1233)
- BUGFIX Disable HTTP API results (IND2-1226)
- BUGFIX Tags appear several times if they were already added (IND2-1167)
- BUGFIX Registrar's permissions email, tags (IND2-1166)
- BUGFIX Show past events for "Event" subcategory (IND2-1160)
- BUGFIX Restore the periodic e-mail sending (IND2-1179)
- BUGFIX IOError importing focal points to a category (IND2-1136)
- BUGFIX Registrant should be able to withdraw their registration regardless of the status (IND2-1089)
- BUGFIX Unable to allocate some NGO to delegates (IND2-1048)
- BUGFIX Unable to hyperlink a word in the email templates. (IND2-948)
- BUGFIX Permission denied as traceback (IND2-922)