Indico.UN V2.22.0 released
A new version of Indico.UN (2.22) has been released on 7th of December at 12:40 PM (Geneva time)
Release notes:
- AAM:
- Add a Document Category field to customizable columns (IND2-2391)
- Allow Security Officer to update the photo via camera. (IND2-1943)
- Search regardless of capitalizations and accented characters (IND2-2431)
- Ignore ITS categories from mapping (IND2-2165)
- Keep filters, columns visibility and order when reopening the same view (IND2-2368)
- Add reference to the templates for the note verbale in the Protocol form (IND2-2444)
- Access restriction features (IND2-2430)
- UNIS Vienna - changes to the AAM form (IND2-2456)
- UNIS Vienna - Adding a drop-down field for press release (IND2-2469)
- Analytical Module:
- Logging category sync issues (IND2-2231)
- alignment after the V1 decommissioning (IND2-2408)
- disable V1 miner (IND2-2383)
- Ignore ITS categories from mapping (IND2-2165)
- Get rid of the Location mapping (IND2-2088)
- New data source for management report (IND2-2362)
- Merge sessions for gMeets-synchronized events (IND2-2420)
- Add new badge/ticket placeholder to display the full address of the venue (Venue, City, Country). (IND2-2378)
- Remove the “Create event" menu item from the main menu (IND2-2356)
- Include the representation type enable status when cloning events (IND2-2296)
- Improve Captcha with audio (IND2-2371)
- Add the time to the date field with time format output in the registrant list (IND2-2438)
- Remove badge printing permission from Category/Event managers (IND2-2453)
- Enable the “profile update” section on the registration form (IND2-2365)
- Deprecate the “designation customizations” in the accreditation form for SHP and FIPOI (IND2-2389)
- Add the change-log for the accreditations (IND2-2442)
- Change the URL for picture requirements pdf (IND2-2445)
- BUGFIX: Error update/create session in eMeets sync (IND2-2398)
- BUGFIX: Broken registration list due to missing `updated_on` (IND2-2440)
- BUGFIX: Focal Point Excel Import without accounts (IND2-2406)
- BUGFIX: handle broken data stream error when reading image (IND2-2386)
- BUGFIX: Migrated event can't load registration list (IND2-2425)
- BUGFIX: Exception on saving profile picture (IND2-2347)
- BUGFIX: SHP badge designer element fixed text and fixed image (IND2-2415)
- BUGFIX: Import of registrants excel with accented letters fields (IND2-2413)
- BUGFIX: Wrong sorting in server-side Registrants list (IND2-2264)
- BUGFIX: Missing validation setting rank in registration list (IND2-2457)
- BUGFIX: Prevent saving registration data in DB if any of the uploaded files fails to be stored in the filesystem (IND2-2010)
- BUGFIX: Temporary accreditations are marked as renewal when switching badge-length (IND2-2441)
- BUGFIX: Error when revoking role assignment to groups (IND2-2130)
- BUGFIX: Fix long-integer issue in Accreditation list search (IND2-2424)
- BUGFIX: Focal points unable to withdraw registration (IND2-1824)
- BUGFIX: Issue assign the contributor role while creating a contribution (IND2-2407)
- BUGFIX: Previewing Profile picture (IND2-2402)
- BUGFIX: Skip umoja sync If venue is removed from an event in sync with UMOJA (IND2-2355)
- BUGFIX: Traceback while updating the arrangement type (IND2-2319)
- BUGFIX: Users search for email less than 3-character long (IND2-2466)