Indico.UN V2.18.0 released
A new version of Indico.UN (2.18) has been released on 3rd of August at 12:30 PM (Geneva time)
Release notes:
- Order list of countries alfabetically (IND2-2260)
- Better Zoom API error handling on room creation when the referral event is over (IND2-2271)
- Limit the display of registrants in the participant list to approved registrants only (IND2-2099)
- Configure which representation types to display in the participant list (IND2-2100)
- Media accreditation link on events overview (IND2-2184)
- AM: Improve event series UI (IND2-2244)
- Add default picture to the registration imported via Excel upload (IND2-2209)
- BUGFIX: Error printing badge when badge settings cache is missing (IND2-2236)
- BUGFIX: Create-edit Restricted Zoom room error (IND2-2237)
- BUGFIX: “Bogus escape error” on list of accreditations (IND2-2235)
- BUGFIX: Unexpected 'tuple index out of range' exception in user profile page (IND2-2214)
- BUGFIX: Missing registration without user account icon on client side registration list (IND2-2164)
- BUGFIX: Restrict Focal Points access as per assigned category or event (IND2-2201)
- BUGFIX: Unhandled Exception while modifying registration with CCure ID enabled (IND2-2272)