4–8 Apr 2022
United Nations Headquarters
America/New_York timezone

The 21st session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) will be held as a regular in-person session at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 4 to 8 April 2022. Registered Observers may also request to participate remotely using the Zoom platform. Further details and documentation are available on the CEPA webpage. Please be advised that all arrangements for travel, visa and accommodation, as well as related expenses including health insurance while in New York, will be the responsibility of the traveler. Thank you for your continuing engagement and interest in the work of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration.

As approved by ECOSOC, there are eight substantive issues on the agenda of the twenty-first session, namely:

• Governance and public administration aspects of the theme of the 2022 session of the Economic and Social Council and the 2022 high-level political forum on sustainable development. 
• Building strong institutions to combat climate change and its impacts and for the sustainable management, protection and restoration of natural resources. 
• Issues of governance and institution-building in conflict-affected countries.
• Application of the principles of effective governance for sustainable development at the subnational level. 
• Issues in public financial management and budgeting for the Sustainable Development Goals. 
• Public sector workforce matters. 
• Issues in digital government. 
• Dialogue with voluntary national review countries on institutional aspects of Sustainable Development Goal 16. 

Online Registration

Please note that CEPA registration in Indico is valid only for representatives of NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC, public administration institutes and related entities and academia. Other CEPA participants (Member States, UN Permanent Observers and UN system organizations) will need to use their dedicated registration page outside of the Indico registration system. Before you start the registration, please view our quick guides for:

Please note that:

  • This event is open to observers from Member States, UN system organization, UN Permanent Observers, NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and other organizations related to public administration
  • The United Nations does not charge fees for participation of meetings of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration and does not provide support for travel of observers
  • The deadline to register is 22 March 2022
  • Information about the session is available here: https://publicadministration.un.org/en/CEPA 

Written inputs

Observers are invited to submit written inputs in advance on the substantive issues to be considered by CEPA at the 21st session via email to dpidg@un.org. Deadline for submission is 21 March 2022. Inputs may be published on CEPA website before the session.

  • Written inputs may not exceed 1,500 words
  • Inputs must pertain to one of the items on the agenda of the 21st session as approved by ECOSOC. The number and title of the agenda item in question must be indicated on the submission
  • Further details are available here

Oral interventions

A limited number of observers may be able to make oral interventions during the session subject to time availability and technical limitations. Interventions must be focused on the issue under discussion. Inputs on other issues will not be accommodated. Such interventions should not exceed three minutes (approx. 300 words). 

United Nations Headquarters, New York, United States of America
New York, USA
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