The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 75/326 to bring the global environmental community together in Stockholm, Sweden for a major international environmental meeting on June 2 and 3, 2022.  The preparatory meeting will be held on March 28, 2022 in New York.

Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity” (Stockholm+50) will provide leaders with an opportunity to draw on 50 years of multilateral environmental action to achieve the bold and urgent action needed to secure a better future on a healthy planet.

Information about the meetings can be found on the Stockholm+50 website.
The proceedings of the meetings will be webcast live on UN Web TV
Please note: practical arrangements for participation will be communicated in due course.


Pursuant to paragraph 24 of General Assembly resolution 75/326, non-governmental organizations, including those that have an interest in the field of the environment, civil society organizations, indigenous peoples’ organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector and philanthropic organizations, that are not currently accredited by ECOSOC, or that have not been accredited to participate in the conferences/meetings listed below can apply through this platform to seek special accreditation for both the international meeting and its preparatory meeting in accordance with the provisions set forth in annex II to the resolution 75/326, to participate as obeservers in the international meeting and its preparatory meeting. 

Stakeholder special-accreditation is available only for organizations. Individuals may not apply for special-accreditation. Please visit the Stockholm+50 Accreditation web page for more information on the categories of organizations, those entities previously accredited, and how to register tor the preparatory meeting in New York and for the international meeting in Stockholm.

Organizations approved for participation through this special-accreditation process will be informed and their representatives will need to register individually for Stockholm+50 and its prepartory meeting. 

The deadline to apply for special-accreditation for both the international meeting and its preparatory meeting is 4 February 2022.

*Stakeholder applications will be reviewed by Member States in accordance with GA resolution 75/326. The name of the organization and country will be shared with the Member States, and, additionally, the homepage and/or the reason for participation may also be shared, if requested.

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

• Necessary documents for special-accreditation application:

1. URL of organization’s website 

2. Evidence of legal status of organization

3. A motivation letter requesting accreditation to Stockholm+50 and its preparatory meeting. The letter must be on official letterhead and signed by the Head of the Organization. 

• Only organizations can apply here for special-accreditation to Stockholm+50. This application is not for individuals.