UNIDIR-SecTec Event - 21 November

Room VIII (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)


Palais des Nations

Geneva, Switzerland
Through A/RES/73/27 and A/RES/73/266, Member States have established two processes addressing international security and the use of information and communication technologies: an Open-Ended Working Group and a sixth UN Group of Governmental Experts. The OEWG held its first session in September in New York and the GGE will hold its first session in December. This breakfast briefing will offer an update to the Geneva community on the two intergovenmental cyber processes, a short presentation of a recent UNIDIR study on malicious tools and techniques and the role of the private sector in addressing their control, and highlights upcoming events and studies of UNIDIR’s cybesecurity workstream.
    • 09:00 10:30
      UNIDIR-SecTec Event - 21 November