23rd International Meeting of National Mine Action Programme Directors and UN Advisors

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Palais des Nations

Geneva, Switzerland
    • Mine Action Information Management of the Future
    • Safe Ground: Turning Minefields into Playing Fields
    • APMBC Committees briefing to National Directors
    • IMSMA Expert Working Group Steering Group
    • PM of Germany - Meeting on NDM-UN23
    • Implementation of the United Nations Mine Action Strategy 2019 – 2023 - Update
    • Arabic-speaking Breakout Group for Middle East and North Africa countries
    • English-speaking Group for South East Asia and Pacific countries
    • French-speaking Breakout Group for African countries
    • Russian-speaking Breakout Group for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia countries
    • Spanish-speaking Breakout Group for Latin America
    • Launch of the SMART IED Threat Mitigation Technology Roadmap (SMiTMiTR)
    • Libya: The Toxic and Explosive Legacy of Modern Conflict
    • Environmental Impact and Climate Change Adaptation in Mine Action
    • Iranian Humanitarian Mine Action Activities
    • Risk education in the Oslo Action Plan: From vision to reality
    • Meeting the Challenge Together: Advancing Gender & Diversity in Project Implementation
    • South Sudan: Achieving Article Five compliance, and delivering a long term solution for South Sudan
    • United for Survivors: Solutions, Commitments, Action
    • A mine-free world by 2025: The need for innovation
    • Accident and Incident Reporting Requirements: Burden or Essential Learning Tool
    • Iraq - Local Solutions for National Challenges: Operational models and support to national capacities
    • Lebanon Mine Action Centre briefing to partners  on explosive ordnance risk ordnance project (12 participants)
    • UNMAS consultations with affected states with UNMAS presence
    • Implementing the Oslo Review Conference Decisions: A Landmine Free 2025 Perspective
    • Sudan – Mine Action and Peace: Sudan’s experience and future
    • Survey, clearance and RE of Improvised Mines - Challenges, Solutions & Best Practices
    • Itad workshop for DFID group of implementers, national authorities and donors
    • UN-NGO Forum
    • CCM Presidency briefing to national authorities and states not yet party to the Convention
    • Ukraine Mine action – Progress so far and next steps